Happy 2022

I guess we’re almost a month in, but better late than never right? It’s at least been long enough that most of the resolutions should have sifted out and those that are going to stick have stuck. Or if you’re like me, you just got around to planning out the year and setting some goals. No, no. I wouldn’t call it procrastination either. I prefer to spin it like I spend such intentional time deeply thinking through it all that it takes three weeks. More on that later though.

Jennings is doing great! He was seen here locally at the St. Jude affiliate clinic on 1/13. They ran general labs and sent a blood sample back to Memphis to run his chimerism. His labs continue to look great minus his IVIG level. That’s been a steady theme and isn’t too concerning at this point. It just shows the immaturity of his new immune system. He is scheduled to go in later this week for a boost.

An interesting tidbit from this past appointment, you ask? Well, I’ll oblige. We found out quite surprisingly that Jennings has COVID antibodies. This could mean he had COVID at some point, but that is unlikely with how frequently he is tested. More likely, he got them through an IVIG infusion that came from someone who had COVID. It’s an added bonus of protection in this Omicron wave and definitely won’t hurt should he get it.

We also got word late last week that his chimerism from the 13th is 100%! We let out a pretty big exhale every time we get that result. He won’t have another chimerism check until mid to late February and in between will just have labs for the trial plus general labs to monitor his IVIG level. Aside from medical updates, we had a very normal and oh-so-great holiday season.

Left to right from the top: Our big girl on Christmas morning with the biggest Pop It she’d seen; all dressed up for Christmas Eve service…Henry loves ties as much as I do; 7 out of 11 grandkids with Nana & Pops on Christmas Eve; Jennings hard at work putting the “detail” on the Home Alone Lego House (such a fun build); Happy New Year…and yes, be thankful there is no sound with that picture; Smally Bear with her suitcase packed and a fresh Marlboro Red for the road; Jennings with his video camera from Santa.

Jennings started in-person Kindergarten as planned after Christmas break. Thank you so much for your prayers around that. So far, it is going really well. He was super excited to go before the first day and was still excited to go back after a few days, which is a blessing and a testament to his wonderful teacher. Now we just have to constantly remind Henry that he’s not quite ready for “big kid school.” He asks just about everyday when he gets to go. After our reply he asks, “So after dis sweep [tomorrow]?”

Clockwise from top left: hard at work; thankful for a familiar face and neighborhood friend in class; walking in with Sissy on Day 1; group work.

If you’re around this area, you know we had a run in with some winter weather recently. It was nothing like the Memphis Blizzard of ‘21 where we christened the Slopes at Galloway (that one’s for the Bluff City folks😉) in between chemo infusion appointments. But, it was enough to warrant a weekend long fire, a crock pot full of chili, hot chocolate (Henry is a fan 👇), and plenty of movies on the couch in between sled runs in the cold. Several first time viewings of some classics too, which is rare for us…the first Star Wars in the original trilogy, the old Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory, and the Sandlot. Jennings likes to sing his version of the Oompa Loompa song from memory “Hoopa Hoopa Doopa Dee Da, If you are wise you will wisten to me.”

And that brings us to this past weekend and back to goals. Through the incredible generosity of some Memphis friends and Nana & Pops for keeping the kids, L & I got a weekend away in the mountains at Lake Toxaway. We both wanted to spend intentional time sitting in the quiet, reflecting, and thinking about the year ahead.

Nice, cheesy heart, huh? It felt odd, yet good to think about more than just the next month. We have not looked much beyond short term markers & milestones in quite some time. We thought and talked about the year and it was encouraging. We will hold very loosely to it all, as we have learned…very loosely.

Along those lines, my word for the year is Trust. The verse that inspired it comes from Jeremiah 17:7 “Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, whose trust is the Lord.” God is trustworthy, and he has a way of interrupting our lives. Make plans, but hold them loosely; God is sovereign. Sometimes these interruptions are big, sometimes they’re small. No matter, we can always trust. Verse 8 continues “He (the man who trusts in the Lord) is like a tree planted by water, that sends out its roots by the stream, and does not fear when heat comes, for its leaves remain green, and is not anxious in the year of drought, for it does not cease to bear fruit.” I love that - a year of drought and the tree is still bearing fruit. God is working for its good through the drought. Even in the big interruptions, we do not cease to bear fruit. God sustains us and our “leaves remain green.” He is working for our good, even if we do not see how or why at the time. That is my goal for 2022…to trust God in all things while praying for only small interruptions.

Coming back from the trip yesterday, it didn’t take long to get our first one. Jennings came in our room around midnight and threw up. He was up sick most of the night afterwards. Seems ok today, but so much for those Monday plans. A reminder to trust that His Monday is better than our Monday.



The Weight


The Weary World Rejoices